45.6 billion? That’s just child’s play in the world of SocialFi!

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SocialFi is poised to emerge as the winning vertical in the next bull market with Fandomdao as a clear winner.

Bitcoin (“BTC”) is considered one of the safest networks in existence and is often regarded as a reliable store of value. As evident from the adoption of BTC as a store of value by many traditional institutions, it is expected to be on an upward trajectory due to the influx of liquidity from these entities.

In conjunction with the rise of Bitcoin, we are witnessing the emergence of another major vertical that seeks to bridge Web2 and Web3. SocialFi, which combines the principles of social media and decentralized finance (“DeFi”), has been gaining massive traction in the industry. According to research reports, the global SocialFi market is expected to reach the billion-dollar mark by 2025.

Within the space, there is one SocialFi platform that is garnering an abundance of attention. Fandomdao, a revolutionary platform to connect global celebrities and worldwide fanbase, can transform various community activities enjoyed by global fandoms into financial rewards.

Especially with the impending cryptocurrency public offering and its boundless growth potential, Fandomdao provides a platform for early users to engage in immersive events on top of potential airdrop opportunities.

Additionally, by offering all features such as fan club creation, fandom voting, feeds/posts, likes, comments, and integration with social media networks, the Fandom SocialFi platform provides Web2 users who haven’t experienced Web3 with the advantage of setting up wallets quickly and easily via account abstraction (“AA”) to access Web3 services.

So why be a part of Fandomdao?

1. Survey (voting) to understand the opinions of “FANDOM” worldwide

Creating surveys that encourage meaningful discussions among fans of your favorite artists opens opportunities to earn rewards. Furthermore, by utilizing a voting system, users can attract the interest of a wider audience. In other words, asking questions that attract the attention of more people increases the likelihood of receiving higher rewards.

2. Joining fandoms of interesting artists

Joining fandoms of popular artists is another way to maximize rewards. The more popular the artist’s fandom, the more diverse the feeds are updated in real-time, increasing the opportunities for various votes. This means there are more opportunities to receive rewards. Keep an eye on the latest surveys and strategically participate to increase your chances of gaining rewards.

3. Active community engagement through friend invitations

Encouraging friends to join the community not only allows you to receive referral rewards but also fosters a more active fandom atmosphere. As the number of friends participating in the fandom increases, community engagement becomes more dynamic, naturally leading to more opportunities for rewards.

4. Active use of feeds

On the Fandomdao platform, you can upload images, videos, and audio to your artist’s feed. You can also like, comment, and share feeds posted by others. The more actively you engage with feeds, the more rewards you can earn.

Currently, the Netflix “Squid Game Season 2” voting airdrop event (Fandomdao Challenge) is ongoing, leading up to the official service launch on February 20th.

Squid Game Season 1 with its impeccable tagline “45.6 Billion Is Child’s Play” was a global sensation. Following the success of Squid Game Season 1 on Netflix, Squid Game Season 2 is highly anticipated following the announcement of its main cast. Accordingly, Fandomdao is offering airdrops to those who vote for the last surviving winner among the game participants. Furthermore, first-place voters will receive additional $FAND tokens through airdrops. Most importantly, a portion of the funds will be automatically allocated to ‘Save the Children’ as emergency relief for children suffering from poverty and disasters worldwide.

The SocialFi landscape will only witness exponential growth from here, of which Fandomdao will likely emerge as a market leader.


The post 45.6 billion? That’s just child’s play in the world of SocialFi! appeared first on CoinGape.

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